The Pleasantview Clinic

As part of my storytelling for Pleasantview, I need a hospital (actually, I just needed the morgue… but I digress). All of the CC I tried to find was relentless and wouldn’t work… so, naturally, I started to build a hospital of my own.


Custom Content included in the lot:

Mod The Sims – MY Medical Set

Mod The Sims – Medical Set by JohnBrehaut1 *34 meshes* *UPDATED* (collection file added)

Wall Sims – Holly Copier – the site this is from seems down, I am not sure where I got it. (Wall sims holly copieur

The Sims Resource – Ador Office – Printer
An Ambulance – by Petreak – Comes in this set: Mod The Sims – Testers Wanted: Buyable Vehicles / No Moveobjects needed for Cars *Updated for EP*
Mod The Sims – Mesh EP Ready: Morgue Theme

Mod The Sims – Sims 3 Dumpster For Sims 2

The Sims Resource – Urban Renewal Security Kit

The Sims Resource – Urban Renewal Safety Kit

I can no longer find the link for these, and got it personally from downloading random hospital lots: simco 3000 ultrasound, oldfashioned x-ray, hchangerie newspaper boxes, modus file folder.
If anybody has links to these PLEASE comment and let me know, I will immediately add them!

You do not have to manually download these, they are included in the file pack.

Note: some items might look different in your game as I have a few defaults installed. However, I tried my best not to use them (or to match what I’d like the item to look like without a default).

If you want to use this in play, here are some clothes and other hospital links if you’d like to either a) redecorate or b) build your own hospital:

Hospital Gowns for (almost) Everyone – LeeFish

Sim File Share – Filehosting for Simmers (direct link, not included bed)

Hospital set – TS3–>TS2 conversion of Hekate999’s set – Page 7 – moonlightdragon (
Amazing hospital set.

Hospital bed (Wallsims & Kathy) – moonlightdragon ( Some nice hospital beds, damn I should have found all this my first time.

Medical Monitor/Ultrasound 4t2 – moonlightdragon ( – A really nice ultrasound machine I wish I had found before making this.

Hospital items – moonlightdragon ( A HUGE AMOUNT OF HOSPITAL STUFF THAT IS AMAZING.

MDPthatsme, THIS IS FOR THE SIMS 2. 4t2 AF Scrubs … ( – Scrubs

Pleasantview Clinic Download
This is a DIRECT download. Clicking it will download the file.
This is a Sims2Pack, you need to install it to use it.



Author: Little Miss Gamer

I've been a gamer since the first time I ever touched a computer (2001). Rollercoaster Tycoon, whatever came from a cereal box. You name it. Random java? Yep! Habbo? Yep. I've been playing The Sims since 2004. I've played every iteration, but the Sims 2 will always remain as my very favourite. I'm passionate about getting others involved in playing the Sims 2 and sharing my stories, as well as trying my hand at CC. But, I also love the other Sims games (Castaway Stories anybody?) GTA, RPGs, City-Builders, I play them all.

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