The Pleasantries of Pleantview’s Pleasant Family

I’ve always had a soft spot for Pleasantview’s Pleasant family. As a kid playing I was a bit mortified, and intrigued, by Daniel’s relationship with the maid. As an adult-woman (now married), however, I am not enjoying this one bit. The first thing I did when I got into the Pleasant’s household was have Mary Sue fire the maid. Done and buried, that’s not going to continue. Good wives always know.

Another soft-spot I’ve always had is for Lilith Pleasant. Lilith is kick-ass, and the fact that her mother and father have negative relationships with her pisses me off. Angela is the favourite child, and the way they all treat Lilith borderlines Sim-Abuse in my eyes. So, I did the normal thing (based on a reddit thread I read), and I moved the Oldie family into a quiet little house on the side of town. After that, I had Lilith move in with her grandparents.

The Sims had other plans. Shortly after – maybe 3 or less game days, and Mr. Herb Oldie was dead, and Lilith and Grammie were alone in their little cute house. I was devastated. So, plans changed. Lilith and Coral moved back in with Daniel and Mary Sue, but the house was feeling cramped, so they all moved one house over to the newly renovated 3 story.

The new house was a giant success, and it was renovated to have a wonderful Granny-suite apartment. Coral never has to see Mary Sue and Daniel if she doesn’t want to. We’re going to overlook the fact that Coral is an old widow living on the third floor of a giant house with lots of stairs.

The Granny-suite is my favourite part of the entire house. I basically ignored Mary Sue and Daniel throughout this entire playthrough. The girls are recently moved out to College and going through all sorts of insanity– but that’s another generation, and I’m convinced that post is going too be too hectic to be a part of this one.

This is the bedroom level with the master suite, and Lilith and Angela’s bedrooms. Lilith has the double bed and the bigger room because I’m completely sick of the family’s preference to Angela. I am committed to ruining Angela’s life one bad decision at a time. The girls got into private school, and Lilith raised her dismal grades ever so slightly. Angela gets in too, only because there was no way for me to keep her in the basement as a public-school loser.

The downstairs floor is fairly simple. A few family meals have happened here, but Lilith often spent time with Coral upstairs in the granny suite. Who can blame her? Her parents are awful. However, Daniel has not cheated on Mary Sue in a long time– and if anybody cares, they’re happy. For the now… the girls are just off to school, and Coral’s got a part-time job. As the girls finish school, I might not get back here very often, but maybe Coral will leave her suite and move in with her best-friend, Lilith.

Author: Little Miss Gamer

I've been a gamer since the first time I ever touched a computer (2001). Rollercoaster Tycoon, whatever came from a cereal box. You name it. Random java? Yep! Habbo? Yep. I've been playing The Sims since 2004. I've played every iteration, but the Sims 2 will always remain as my very favourite. I'm passionate about getting others involved in playing the Sims 2 and sharing my stories, as well as trying my hand at CC. But, I also love the other Sims games (Castaway Stories anybody?) GTA, RPGs, City-Builders, I play them all.

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