Sims 2 Cheat Codes


Entering codes on PC and Mac are different since instead of using the cheat gnome you put in a combination of keys to display the cheat console. You enter the codes in the console to active their effect. To open the cheat console press CTRL + SHIFT+ C, on macs the control key is instead the command key but it does the exact same thing.

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
1000 simoleans kaching
50000 simoleans motherlode
Exit console exit
Code information help [code]
List codes help

Debug Mode

After opening the cheat menu enter the following: boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true.

While creating a sim using the combination Shift + N before creating your first sim to enable skin tones, clothes, and hair styles that can usually only be used by NPCS. Shift + M disables it.

While in Live mode, you can Shift click on a sim to bring up the debug menu.

Miscellaneous Codes for PC and Mac

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
Allows you to change elevation of floor tiles. boolprop constrainFloorElevation falsekaching
Alots any amount of money you desire to any sim family familyfunds (Family’s last name) XXXX
Changes the slope angle of a roof RoofSlopeAngle (15-75)
Clears all cheat codes on the screen, but codes are still in effect. clear
Disables the ability to change elevation of floor tiles. boolprop constrainFloorElevation true
expands or contracts cheat window expand
if set to true ALL other cheats work. boolProp testingcheatsenabled true/false
In neighborhood, shows filename of house when lot is highlighted boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename (True/False)
increases game performance but lowers graphics vsync (on/off)
lets you know if theres a patch autopatch (on/off)
List all cheats help -all
makes your sims larger or smaller StretchSkeleton
moves objects and deletes you couldnt before moveobjects (on/off)
Puts the game in slow motion. Enter any number that 0 through 8 (0=fastest and 8=slowest) slowmotion
Set to false and lots will not light up when highlighted in neighborhood boolprop lotTerrainLighting (True/False)
Set to false to place floor tiles outside lot boolprop locktiles (True/False)
Set to false to remove bridges from neighborhood. boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel (True/False)
Set to false to remove floorpainting on lot boolprop lotTerrainPaints (True/False)
Set to false to remove props like rocks and towers from neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps (True/False)
Set to false to remove removes shadows on objects outside house boolprop objectShadows (True/False)
Set to false to remove removes water (ponds) from lots boolprop lotWater (True/False)
Set to false to remove roads from neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads (True/False)
Set to false to remove shadows on objects inside house boolProp guob (True/False)
Set to false to remove water from neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater (True/False)
Set to false to removes house graphics from neighborhood boolprop displayLotImposters (True/False)
Set to false to removes trees/plants from neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora (True/False)
Set to true and blocks appear on Sims faces and on parts where Sims look at boolprop displayLookAtBoxes (True/False)
Set to true and cars will have more detail in neighborhood boolprop carsCompact (True/False)
Set to true and walls will no longer cut away from selected Sim boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel (True/False)
Set to true to light up objects continuously instead of only when used boolprop allObjectLightsOn (True/False)
Set to true to see the path where the selected Sim walks to boolProp displayPaths (True/False)
Set to true to show lot information boolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode (True/False)
Toggle shadows on/off for Sims boolProp simShadows (True/False)
turn off aging aging off
turn on aging aging on
turns off facial bounding limitations. It prevents the normal corrections the game will make for two parents with very different facial structures. faceBlendLimits (on/off)
unlocks career rewards. unlockcareerrewards
Version in the cheat box. gameVersion
You can invite more people to your parties. intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8
You can place objects outside the grid. boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true/false
Turns Postprocessing on. boolProp enablePostProcessing true
Turns Postprocessing off. boolProp enablePostProcessing false
Sitcom flashback blur effect (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (requires postprocessing on) bloom rgb #
Makes the screen grainy. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (requires postprocessing on) filmGrain #
Blurry bits at the edge of the screen. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (requires postprocessing on) vignette # # #
Adds a letterbox effect to the view. (# = 0.0 to 0.4) (requires postprocessing on) letterBox #
At neighborhood view only, removes every Sim from the neighborhood. deleteAllCharacters
Only for use in neighborhood view, toggles between the two terrain types. TerrainType (desert/temperate)

Cheats specific to University Expansion

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
While in a property you with yo make a dorm, this code makes the existing lot a dorm. changelotzoning dorm
Disables some building mode tools boolprop dormspecifictoolsdisabled true
Enables all building mode tools boolprop dormspecifictoolsdisabled false

Cheats specific to Double Deluxe

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
Make pregnant sim have twins forcetwins
Puts selected character in a perfect mood maxmotives


The codes for original Xbox are similar to the other console codes. However, instead of unlocking a cheat gnome you just have to enter the master code first.

Cheat Effect Cheat Code
Master code L, R, D-Pad Up, A, Black
Max All Motives D-Pad Up, B, D-Pad Up, D-Pad Right, White
remove messages Press Right, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Down, Right
This changes any Sim’s skill. Y, B, X, Black, D-Pad Left
This gives the household 10,000 simoleans. R, L, Black, D-Pad Right, D-Pad Left
This goes six hours forward in time. B, X, L, D-Pad Up, D-Pad Down
This unlocks all of the Story Mode locations. B, White, D-Pad Left, B, D-Pad Up, B
Unlock All Clothes X, Black, D-Pad Down, D-Pad Right, X
Unlock All Objects White, B, D-Pad Down, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Up
Unlock All Recipes Black, X, D-Pad Up, D-Pad Down, D-Pad Right, A
Unlocks All Lots/Locations B, White, Left, B, Up, B

Author: Little Miss Gamer

I've been a gamer since the first time I ever touched a computer (2001). Rollercoaster Tycoon, whatever came from a cereal box. You name it. Random java? Yep! Habbo? Yep. I've been playing The Sims since 2004. I've played every iteration, but the Sims 2 will always remain as my very favourite. I'm passionate about getting others involved in playing the Sims 2 and sharing my stories, as well as trying my hand at CC. But, I also love the other Sims games (Castaway Stories anybody?) GTA, RPGs, City-Builders, I play them all.

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