Paintings, paintings, and more paintings.

There are not nearly enough paintings in the Sims. Even as a serial downloader I still find myself not finding enough. Who is going to build an art museum with this little art? Let’s fix this. All art is credited to the original artists. I take no credit for the artwork. In some cases I have no idea because I was mostly just searching google for nice art.

Jackson Polluck Paintings

Download Small: polluck1 Download 2 Large: polluck2

Landscape Paintings (Black Frame)

Download here: landscape paintings black

Landscape Paintings (Fancy Frame)

  Download here: landscape paintings  

Previously released paintings:

Impasto Tranquility

These are the original paintings used. I found these paintings here. I tried to find the original painters to credit them, but can only find that they’re stock photos. If anybody can find the actual painters- please let me know, I really want to credit them! A reverse image search revealed no painters to me.
I made the price $425 which felt realistic for these paintings. Click to download directly. File is zipped.

The Holy Trinity Paintings

Here’s the details for the store: Download here: theholytrinityset

The Last Supper

It was pointed out to me that these paintings are not complete without The Last Supper… so here it is. Crosses coming soon. Download here: thelastsupper

Obi-Wan Jesus Painting

  Download: obi-wan

Author: Little Miss Gamer

I've been a gamer since the first time I ever touched a computer (2001). Rollercoaster Tycoon, whatever came from a cereal box. You name it. Random java? Yep! Habbo? Yep. I've been playing The Sims since 2004. I've played every iteration, but the Sims 2 will always remain as my very favourite. I'm passionate about getting others involved in playing the Sims 2 and sharing my stories, as well as trying my hand at CC. But, I also love the other Sims games (Castaway Stories anybody?) GTA, RPGs, City-Builders, I play them all.

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