My Catholic sims paintings recently dropped, and I’m happy with the mostly positive feedback. Let’s remember that every simmer has their own way of playing, and a weird semi-realistic game is usually how I tend to play it. But, I was informed that we were missing Obi Wan Jesus. As a fair-weathered sometimes Star Wars liker, I know that this is a grave injustice and confused grandmothers worldwide would be sad without their favourite Jedi hero turned-saviour. So, without further abdo… Obi-Wan “Jesus” Kenobi…
This is how I’m spending my summer vacation from being a therapist… oh the joys! I have set the ambiance to 10 happy so don’t you worry, this piece will have your sims hella happy!
As a special bonus, you get to see the lot that I made to make the photos for this blog post. I’ve released it on the gallery as a shrine. I am… bored, I suppose? Once I decided I was going to release the lot I decorated it a bit more. The shrine is on the gallery at LilithPl3asant.