My Entirely Custom Willow Creek (Download Links/Gallery)

This project took probably 4 years. I have been working on it off and on, and I enjoy opening an empty lot and creating a new house/building with no plans. Yet, you heard that right… I barely planned any of this.

I have changed the EA account that I normally use for the gallery, it is now LilithPl3asant. If you would like to download my files you will need to uncheck “Maxis curated” and check “mods”. Most of my listings have CC, although some do not. It is assumed you own all expansions for the lots.


This project took about 4 years start to finish because I only really played when in the mood. I find it relaxing to open sims 4 without a plan and build an entire building. Usually I had no plan before I started, and just went with whatever mood I had. I did keep some of the charming house types, and and I love a colonial feel in general. My build style I’d say is a mix of traditional, victorian, french-provincial and a modern contemporary. I have no fixed style but I tend to gravitate toward a semi-maximalist approach. Since this was originally on SrslySims’ blank save, I’ve re-created this Willow Creek painstakingly on a fresh save so that all of your other neighborhoods will be normal. You’ll probably notice that I used a lot of car props. The lack of cars in Sims 4 is probably its most unforgivable aspect for me.

The Mayor’s Mansion speaks for itself. This is a home for the mayor and a place for other stately events. There are 3 offices and apartments above for the mayor to live in. My favourite part of the house is that it has a view of the lake.

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The Cafe Rose – My favourite part of this is the parking lot. I find these little details to make the game more enjoyable for me. I toyed with this being a restaurant too, but since it’s right next to Trendy’s I decided on a cafe.

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Trendy’s Restaurant is a little bit of a weird restaurant in the sense that the chefs have to walk to the basement to cook. This was done because I wanted the upstairs to have an “upscale” feel. So, I guess it sucks for the staff, but… it’s all about that ambiance.

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Traditional Paradise is probably my dream home and the sims house I’m most proud of. When I buy and sell houses in the Sims (man I wish they had a House Flipper expansion, this would literally make my life complete), I tend to make them a bit more “realistic”. I don’t often fully decorate my builds because I want them to feel authentic. For that reason I usually only furnish bathrooms and kitchens.

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Carleton Estates has the name Estates because there are several mobile home “parks” near me that use the word “Estate” to try and class them up. This amuses me and I love it, so I did it too. Carleton is a random name I chose because I like the name.

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Sir Regent Memorial Park is a name I came up with at complete random and means absolutely nothing. This lake cannot be swum in, but it is beautiful. I might toy with more ways to make it swim-able later, but the pool inside idea was not jiving well with me.

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In On The TownHouses – I just had fun with this one. “Why got OUT on the town, when you can stay IN, inside these lovely townhouses? Everybody knows that a house is better when it’s attached to your neighbor!”

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Sentinel Apartments – This was the first apartment building I built since For Rent came out. I might have went too far on its size. However, I absolutely love how it turned out and there are direct entrances to all the ground floor apartments. All of the homes/apartments on the canal have entrances on both side so that it looks good in manage worlds (I hated it looking like the back from afar). Some of the apartments have two stories. I’m excited to play this one in live mode. I always live in an apartment first with a sim because owning a house right off the bat feels “weird”.

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Duplex (1 and 2) – This lot is one of two that were repeated in the neighborhood. I loved the concept and design, so I wanted more of them side by side. I had fun making each duplex have their own front yard. You could always turn off residential rental and turn it into a 2 family lot (ie grandparents + family) if you wanted.

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The Little Victorian – this is just a small cute house I made on a whim. I love it.

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Colonial Manor – Another small house. It has a basement. It’s cute. The top floor was inspired by the Sims 2 Goth house.

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Streamlet Singles – This started off as one house, but after For Rent came out I decided to double them and make it a double home property. Both are tiny, so having two makes way more sense.

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Single Family Estate is a semi-modern house with an intricate outside. This is one of the few homes I actually decorated, because I was just feeling bored and wanted to play with furniture.

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Canal Street Apartments – I actually built the bones of this building before there was even word of For Rent. I revisted the lot (happily) once I could make it functional. Despite its large size, each apartment is only 1 bed, 1 bath. These are essentially upper-class single sim starter homes with a super fun roof.

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The Tiny Abode – This is just a small, cute house. That is all.

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Traditional Paradise is the same house as Traditional Paradise 1, but this time I got rid of a lot of the back yard and changed the color.

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Traditional Picket Fence is a house that I am completely in love with. I’m even more impressed by the gazebo I made. This house took a lot of work, but the pay off was worth it.

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House With 2 Car Garage is a very cleverly named House With 2 Car Garage. It features a small pool, garden shed, and several rooms. I am very uninterested in writing these bios at this point, and thankful that this is the last house. The only remaining item is the church.

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The Holy Sims Church was made to mimic the catholic churches I grew up around. I do not practice any formal religion, but I have always loved churches. This is also a cool lot to put graves on.

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The real fun comes in creating a new save so that there’s other houses in other hoods, and THEN putting down all my own gallery items while referencing the photo. Yay.

Author: Little Miss Gamer

I've been a gamer since the first time I ever touched a computer (2001). Rollercoaster Tycoon, whatever came from a cereal box. You name it. Random java? Yep! Habbo? Yep. I've been playing The Sims since 2004. I've played every iteration, but the Sims 2 will always remain as my very favourite. I'm passionate about getting others involved in playing the Sims 2 and sharing my stories, as well as trying my hand at CC. But, I also love the other Sims games (Castaway Stories anybody?) GTA, RPGs, City-Builders, I play them all.

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