Making Sims 2 Bon Voyage More like Sims 3 World Adventures – Egypt

While I’m not really a Sims 3 fan over-all (I find it the ugliest game ever made to be honest just a note I was being dramatic here; I simply have not toyed enough with Sims 3 defaults), I did love the content of World Adventures. Specifically, I liked being able to travel to France and Egypt. I did miss the feature of a tropical vacation spot in Sims 3, and that was a huge sore spot for me… but, I still find myself dreaming of French wines and sandy nights. Alas… this starts my adventure to create a more well-rounded vacation experience.

I will admit, I don’t know very much about Egypt other than a life-long fascination. I’ve googled images of Cairo to try and get a bit of a look and feel, but otherwise, this won’t be a spot-on type thing, more a “Cairo-like” hood.

I found this fantastic Cairo terrain by M.M.A.A from ModTheSims.

Download Here: Mod The Sims – Requested Terrain of the Delta area of the Nile River, Cairo, Egypt

This terrain with the desert is my starting point for Egypt, so I am very very happy.

This wonderful, amazing, fantastic pinterest board has so many Egypt options that I’m overwhelmed downloading and installing them, so go here for all kinds of Egypt goodies. 

Unfortunately some links are broken, but there’s still lots to be found there. The hood deco is the most important part, so make sure you get that!

Also, a lot of the pics are just the same download, so it’s less than it looks. That said, I didn’t get any clothing, since the idea is just to have a modern day tourism spot.

Pretty much every lot made by this Sims Resource creator Senemm is amazing, and I’ve downloaded them all. I was going to just get desert houses, but there’s no cacti native to egypt (except one that grows nearer to Africa) 

Lots are installed via pack files. You need to click on them to install them, individually. No drag and drop into downloads, sadly. My hood is kind of a mix of Egyptian and Arabian architecture, but I’m cool with that since I’ll only be doing one Middle-Eastern project.

The Horizon is this one here.

I must say, I love how it turned out.

As a half-joke, I placed these lots (did not make them) as vacation houses for sims.

This “InAuthentic” pyramid house was developed by an American-investor who decided to make a small-village of pyramids in Cairo. Purchasable as vacation homes, the investor was adamant that there’d be no doors on these homes, so good luck!

There might be tweaks later, but otherwise, I’m pretty happy!

Author: Little Miss Gamer

I've been a gamer since the first time I ever touched a computer (2001). Rollercoaster Tycoon, whatever came from a cereal box. You name it. Random java? Yep! Habbo? Yep. I've been playing The Sims since 2004. I've played every iteration, but the Sims 2 will always remain as my very favourite. I'm passionate about getting others involved in playing the Sims 2 and sharing my stories, as well as trying my hand at CC. But, I also love the other Sims games (Castaway Stories anybody?) GTA, RPGs, City-Builders, I play them all.

3 thoughts on “Making Sims 2 Bon Voyage More like Sims 3 World Adventures – Egypt

  1. Did you finish the hood? If so could you make it availabe to download. I’ve been crawing for more vacation destinations but most hoods i found are too big and have too much CC. So far your post here is only Egypt related hood i’ve found. If not i will use this post as model to create my own Egypt themed vacation hood.

  2. This looks awesome. Do you by any means have this available for download. I’ve been crawing for new vacation hood and this looks perfect. If not then i’ll just do one based on Egypt myself when i have enough inspiration.

    1. Unfortunately it takes too much effort to compile the CC (which is also against the creator’s terms).

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