How To Beat The Rayne Syndicate Tower in Palworld

If you haven’t yet gotten to the first dungeon boss of Palworld, this guide is for you. While the boss is supposed to be a first boss I found it a bit challenging earlier on, and I ended up waiting until level 20 to defeat the boss. I finished with around 3 minutes left, and it went pretty well. I had leather armour and a 3 shot bow for the fight. This guide is for singleplayer.

This was my team:


  1. Kite the boss as much as you can. Use the pillars around the room to help you avoid attacks.
  2. Hold “4” then set your pal to “attack aggressively”. This is helpful since sometimes the pals aren’t fighting like they should be.
  3. Swap out your pals as they get low health. They will start to regenerate while “on the bench”.
  4. Swap between pals as they lose health.
  5. Continue to kite while hitting with your bow as much as possible.
  6. Dodge, hit, swap.
  7. Win.

The mechanics are pretty easy here. The boss can ‘infatuate’ you or your pals, or electrocute you. Spend as much time as you can kiting and you should be fine. The room has pillars all around so kiting is easy.

Author: Little Miss Gamer

I've been a gamer since the first time I ever touched a computer (2001). Rollercoaster Tycoon, whatever came from a cereal box. You name it. Random java? Yep! Habbo? Yep. I've been playing The Sims since 2004. I've played every iteration, but the Sims 2 will always remain as my very favourite. I'm passionate about getting others involved in playing the Sims 2 and sharing my stories, as well as trying my hand at CC. But, I also love the other Sims games (Castaway Stories anybody?) GTA, RPGs, City-Builders, I play them all.

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