There are not nearly enough paintings in the Sims. Even as a serial downloader I still find myself not finding enough. Who is going to build an art museum with this little art? Let's fix this. All art is credited...Read More

There are not nearly enough paintings in the Sims. Even as a serial downloader I still find myself not finding enough. Who is going to build an art museum with this little art? Let's fix this. All art is credited...Read More
My Catholic sims paintings recently dropped, and I'm happy with the mostly positive feedback. Let's remember that every simmer has their own way of playing, and a weird semi-realistic game is usually how I tend to play it. But, I...Read More
This set started off as just three paintings, and eventually, things got out of hand. Now we have 4 paintings, a rosary, and 3 worship candles. Your shrine should be complete. While building my Hacienda, I was getting nostalgic for...Read More
This project took probably 4 years. I have been working on it off and on, and I enjoy opening an empty lot and creating a new house/building with no plans. Yet, you heard that right... I barely planned any of...Read More
Hello friends, today I bring you beautiful Impasto paintings for the Sims 4. There really isn't enough art in this game for my tastes, so let's fix that! I have a love of the impasto style-- it's it just so...Read More
A file to download all listed here is at the bottom. Base Game T-Shirt Recolor I've always loved this base game t-shirt, but the colors in the game have always disappointed me. So, here we go... my first official sims...Read More
I grew up Catholic, and while I don't practice (more a spiritual witch), I've always LOVED churches. I find the sims is sincerely lacking on churches, so I made this. The graveyard is empty so that I can fill it...Read More